3Rivers Credit Card Updates: My New Card is Flat!
You’ve seen the announcement about our new credit cards. In April, we will be moving to Mastercard. Soon after that, we will be introducing a great new service to our members involving cards: in-branch card creation.
When a new member opens a new checking account, we will have the capability to create and issue a new debit card that same day! If your debit card is cracked, you will be able to visit your local branch and receive a replacement card. If you lose your card, you will be able to get a new card right away. Need a replacement card rushed? Is same day service good for you? We think so!
And starting soon, all of our new cards – cards created and issued in our branches as well as scheduled card re-issues – will be a “flat card” design. What does that mean? Your card will no longer have raised, embossed numbers on it. The card will work exactly as it does today. It will have the same color design on it. It will simply be what the industry calls a flat card.
As you know, our new credit cards will have enhanced security with the EMV chip. Later this year, our debit cards will be issued with EMV chip technology as well. More information will be coming to you this summer.
So to our tens of thousands of loyal 3Rivers’ cardholders, we say “thank you” for carrying your credit union in your wallet. We are working hard to make this convenience service safer and more convenient that ever – all for you!
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