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College Options to Consider During the Uncertainty of COVID-19

For families making college choices over the summer: please know that you’re not alone. If you’re struggling with final decisions, are experiencing funding concerns, or are considering alternatives to on-campus education, we’re here to help! Contact our College Team anytime. Our aim is to help families make informed, meaningful decisions about higher education.

Mother and son sitting on couch, looking at a laptop screen.

As we continue to navigate unchartered waters related to COVID-19, colleges are currently unsure whether they’ll accept students back on campus for the fall semester. Families are also concerned—in a survey released on April 2, many indicated they’re unsure about what college will look like. 

Current possibilities students and their families are weighing include taking a semester off, going to community college, or doing classes online. Many families’ financial situations have changed since filing the FAFSA as well, making money a bigger concern.

There are spots of good news in all of this. Large scale disruptions like the coronavirus pandemic open the doors to good alternatives coming from new and innovative organizations. There areoptions! “Normal” college isn’t the only path for students to take this fall.

These opportunities can drastically reduce the cost of education, and allow students to enter the workforce earlier.

The compromise with most “alternative” solutions is the potential lack of the social component that traditional college provides. Many students express the desire to move away from home – and this is understandable. Our intent is never to force a decision on students, but instead to provide perspective.

Choosing to stay home for college saves an average of about $10,000 per year—amounting to about $400 per month in student loan payments after four years. This is a significant savings!

If you need help weighing options, please don’t hesitate to include us in the conversation. We’re here to help!

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